Effectiveness of community forest association and water resource users’ associations in discharging their statutory functions: A case of Kilungu catchment, Kenya

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Research Paper 01/05/2021
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Effectiveness of community forest association and water resource users’ associations in discharging their statutory functions: A case of Kilungu catchment, Kenya

Patricia Mumbi Wambua, Nzioka John Muthama, Thuita Thenya
J. Bio. Env. Sci.18( 5), 43-56, May 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Catchment degradation has continued to occur globally albeit the presence of Community Forest Associations (CFA) and Water Resource Users Associations (WRUA). Similarly, Kilungu catchment area in Kenya is under the management of the Kenze (CFA) and upper Kaiti (WRUA). This paper examined Kenze CFA and Upper Kaiti WRUA activities by exploring their effectiveness in discharging their statutory functions. This was achieved by carrying out, an exploratory descriptive survey. Data was collected through questionnaires, focus group discussions, 10 key informants’ interviews and direct observations. Descriptive analysis was used. Information was presented in fig.s, tables and percentages. Results showed that upper Kaiti WRUA as more effective in catchment management at moderately (31%) and highly at (37%) as compared to CFA moderately (29%) and highly (5%). In terms of discharging of their statutory functions, Upper Kaiti WRUA was better at a rating of 27% (good) and 23% (very good) as compared to Kenze CFA which was rated at 3% (good) and 6% (very good). This study results implied that Upper Kaiti WRUA was more effective in all aspects of ensuring catchment management as opposed to CFA. In conclusion, a strategy of seizing the opportunities presented by the CFA of being empowered to perform all its activities as required by law with emphasis on the timely preparation and implementation of management plans and WRUA’s continuous improvement should be prioritized. The study recommends new initiatives that improve on the CFA and WRUA activities in order to effectively discharge on their statutory functions.


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