Effects of agronomic management practices on yield and field duration of mustard between fallow period of T. Aman and Boro rice

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Research Paper 01/06/2019
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Effects of agronomic management practices on yield and field duration of mustard between fallow period of T. Aman and Boro rice

A.H.M. Motiur Rahman Talukder, Mrityunjoy Biswas, Mohammad Noor Hossain Miah, Md. Abul Kashem, Lutfun Nahar, Md. Rafat-Al-Foysal
Int. J. Biosci.14( 6), 151-163, June 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Keeping in mind to grow the mustard after harvesting of long duration T. Aman rice for succeeding cultivation of Boro rice in optimum time through agronomic management practices an experiment was carried out during November, 2014 to January, 2015.The experiment was designed in split plot with three replications including treatments of factor A: two Sowing dates: D1=3 November, 2014, D2=15 November, 2014 and factor B: four harvesting stages: H1=Green siliquae stage, H2=Pale yellow siliquae stage, H3=Golden yellow siliquae stage and H4=Full maturity siliquae stage. The main plot and sub-plot consisted of sowing dates and harvesting stages, respectively. Sowing dates and harvesting stages significantly influenced the most of the parameters independently but their interaction showed non-significant effects. For sowing dates, D1; 03 November sown crop produced the comparatively higher yield contributing character such as number of siliquae plant-1 (55.0) and seed yield (1.15 t ha-1). In case of harvesting stages, subsequent to green siliquae stage rest all harvesting stages produced higher and almost similar values for all yield contributing characters and seed yield. So, considering the field uninhabited mustard would be harvested at pale yellow siliquae stage for succeeding cultivation of Boro rice in due time. But, their combined effect showed non-significant result for all phenological, morphological, yield contributing characters and yield of crop. Therefore, the present study showed possibility to grow mustard after harvest of T. Aman rice for succeeding cultivation of Boro rice in due time through sacrificing some mustard seed yield.


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