Effects of preys on survival, development, sex ratio and number consumption victims of Apertochrysa sp. at laboratory conditions

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Effects of preys on survival, development, sex ratio and number consumption victims of Apertochrysa sp. at laboratory conditions

Mohammed A. Ali Alasady, Dzolkhifli Bin Omar, Yusof Bin Ibrahim, Rohani Binti Ibrahim
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 6), 251-260, June 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The effect of prey on development, survival, sex ratio and consumption capacity of newly recorded predator Apertochrysa sp. on aphid Rhopalosiphum maidis and eggs of Corcyra cephalonica, were studied at laboratory to optimize the suitable prey for rearing and to determine the potential of it on different insect pests. The Apertochrysa sp. was successfully cultured and complete it’s life cycle on C. cephalonica eggs, R. maidis, Aleurodicus disperses Russell and Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby. The total developmental times were 29.5, 25.4, 22.8 and 30 days respectively. The total consumed number of aphids R. maidis was 110 nymphs per larva. The highest number of nymphs was consumed by the third instar larva (42.95 aphids/ larva), followed by second instar (36 aphids/ larva), then the first instar (31.14 aphids/ larva), further more the nymphs consumed during the first four days by the adults was 22.4 nymphs per adult. The total C. cephalonica eggs consumed was 795 eggs per larva, that 494.5 eggs were consumed by third instar of larva, 232.1 eggs by second instar of larva and 68.4 eggs by first instar of larva.


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