Effects of soil compaction on Na and Cu uptake in pistachio seedling under different moisture levels conditions

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Research Paper 01/05/2015
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Effects of soil compaction on Na and Cu uptake in pistachio seedling under different moisture levels conditions

Ghazaleh Azizi, Davoud Zarehaghi, Adel Reyhanitabar, Nosratallah Najafi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 5), 374-382, May 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


In order to study Na and Cu uptake of pistachio seedling (Pistacia vera L.) in response to four levels of soil compaction at six moisture levels this nested design experiment with three replications was conducted. The air dried sandy loam soil was passed through soil 4.75 mm sieve, and transferred into 72 PVC cylinders, the soils of cylinders were compacted in order to prepare four levels of soil bulk density (1.35, 1.5, 1.65 and 1.8 g cm-3). After transferring the pistachio seedlings into soil cylinders and their establishment, six different volumetric water contents from saturation to permanent wilting point, for each compacted soils were applied. According to the results, concentration of Na in shoot and root under all levels of soil compaction significantly enhanced with increasing water stress. But, Na content of shoot under both low and especially high levels of soil compaction strongly increased. Na content was in LLWR under most of soil compaction levels. Cu concentration in shoot under 1.35, 1.5 and 1.65 g cm-3 bulk density increased with increasing water stress but under 1.8 g cm-3 bulk density decreased with increasing water stress. But, Cu content of root was more under well moisture levels. Under all levels of soil compaction, maximum Cu content was recorded in ML4 and ML5. Translocation factor of Na in middle level of soil compaction and in Cu under low level of soil level was more than 1 under water stress conditions. Thus, soil compaction and water stress increased accumulation of Na in pistachio seedling. In this hand, soil compaction and water stress decreased Na and Cu uptake in this plant.


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