Elucidation of cow tick Rhipicephalus microplus (formerly Boophilus microplus) reproduction in general Santos City, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/04/2015
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Elucidation of cow tick Rhipicephalus microplus (formerly Boophilus microplus) reproduction in general Santos City, Philippines

Rea Mae A. Hamiladan, Jeljie L. Dice, Marwan A. Omar, Elani A. Requieron
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 4), 412-417, April 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Ticks comprise one of the most significant groups of arthropods in terms of effects on animal health. They incapacitate the host by feeding on it. The cattle tick, economically impact cattle industry in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, is a cautiously serious external parasite affecting, primarily, cattle. These ticks are adapted to the advantages of specialising to feed on cattle and with all the feeding stages occurring on one individual host in a rapid sequence of reproduction. Cattle tick’s reproduction and life cycle occurs on body of only one host. This stage takes approximately 21 days, during which the tick changes from a minute larva to a nymph and finally an adult. With the use of a thin-tipped tweezers or forceps with a steady even pressure, ticks were removed straight upward from different body parts of cattle. Ticks were identified to the species level based on their morphologic features under a dissecting microscope and their genus and species were identified under the stereo microscope in the laboratory. Several parameters were taken as to with its life cycle. As observed, the period of tick’s life cycle varies due to some factors. This study aims to elucidate the reproduction process and life cycle of cattle ticks to serve as a guide in controlling and managing these parasitic creatures.


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