Establishment of an efficient and reproducible in vitro protocol for callogenesis of Silybum marianum

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Establishment of an efficient and reproducible in vitro protocol for callogenesis of Silybum marianum

Zara Jabeen, Khalil Ur Rahman, Muhammad Anjum Zia, Nazish Jhan
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 402-410, January 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Silybum marianum (milk thistle) is belongs to astereaceae family and a wild herb in Pakistan. Silymarin is an isomeric mixture of flavonoids (silybin, silydianin, silibinin and silychristin) and a flavonolignans (taxifolin) extracted from seeds of milk thistle, and used against liver diseases. Due to problems in traditional cultivation and extraction of its bioactive compound (silymarin), different strategies have been employed in order to fulfil the scarce demand of Silybum marianum. In vitro micropropagation method has great potential to produce medicinal plants in large amount in less duration of time. So in vitro propagation protocol was established for this medicinal crop by using explants from 21 days old-seedlings induced in vitro from seeds. For efficient callogenesis, seeds were surface sterilized and cultured on hormone free MS0 medium. After induction of seedlings, leaf, stem and hypocotyl were excised from the mother plants and used as explant for callus induction. Six different plant growth hormones (PGR) were checked for their callogenesis ability from three explants. It was obvious from the results that hypocotyl explant induce maximum callus induction frequency (100%) within minimum time i.e (11±2.87) days when cultured on MS+1mg/l 2,4-D+1mg/l IBA+1mg/l IAA (CIM-5) medium as compared to other medium. Hypocotyl explant was considered best explant for the highest production of callus as compared to leaf and stem explants of S. marianum.


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