Estimating the probable maximum flood (PMF) using HEC-HMS Model: A case study in Northwest Iran-Ajichay’s Basin

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Estimating the probable maximum flood (PMF) using HEC-HMS Model: A case study in Northwest Iran-Ajichay’s Basin

Ali. Hanafi, Faramarz Khoshakhlagh
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 1), 227-235, January 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Flood estimation is an important component of hydrology studies, water resource’s projects and especially dam construction projects. In this study in order to estimate PMF of the Ajichay basin, we have selected HEC-HMS model among other precipitation-runoff mathematical models. Thus, the meteorological data records of 40 synoptic and rain gauge stations were gathered from the Bureau of Meteorology and the ministry of water resources (Tamab). Then, to estimate the basin’s probable maximum flood, the main basin was divided into some smaller sub-basins and the physiographic characteristics of each basin were determined. The rainfall pattern was selected to base on a 24-hour rainfall type II pattern, and the largest 6-hour rainfall was extracted in different return’s periods. Next, the HMS model was applied in order to create hydrographs of PMF at different return’s periods and then hydrographs of PMF were drawn for various sub-basins. The amounts of PMF were calculated for all the sub-basin as well. The total PMF values at the return’s periods of 2, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 years, were estimated accurately 18261, 33073, 42212, 49207, 55845 and 62198 in cubic meters per second respectively, over the Ajichay’s catchment.


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