Evaluation and clustering of soybean (Glycine max L.) germplasm inbred lines for root and shoot morphological traits at seedling stage

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Research Paper 01/12/2019
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Evaluation and clustering of soybean (Glycine max L.) germplasm inbred lines for root and shoot morphological traits at seedling stage

Ajmal Mandozai, Abdourazak Alio Moussa, Qi Zhang, Jing Qu, Naveed Ahmad, Yeyao Du, Noor al Amin, Rivalani Theorent, Gulaqa Anwari, Piwu Wang
Int. J. Biosci.15( 6), 152-163, December 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Soybean is recognized as one of the most important economically approved beans across the world. Due to its genetic complexity of the several root traits, the study of root traits is generally ignored and not used as a selection standard. In this study, soybean germplasm consisted of 260 inbred lines was assessed for shoot and root traits at vegetative 1 stage. Analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among various varieties for different morphological shoot and root related traits. Root dry weight and total root length were positively correlated with overall core shoot and root related traits. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis structured the varieties into four groups/clusters based on their relative performances. cluster1, cluster3, and cluster4 were characterized by the varieties presenting higher, shoot length, root to shoot dry weight ratio and average root diameter, respectively. Cluster2 regrouped the varieties of the unique shoot and root characteristics. The identified genotypes including Z077, Z093, Z120, Z173, Z180, Z199, Z210, Z211, Z238 and Z248 of the above-mentioned cluster may play a crucial role in future breeding programs and could be used to improve drought tolerance for soybean elite varieties through root and shoot morphological traits specific to target environments.


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