Evaluation and selection of synthetic hexaploid wheat and their derivatives at seedling stage targeted for salt tolerance

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Research Paper 01/07/2016
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Evaluation and selection of synthetic hexaploid wheat and their derivatives at seedling stage targeted for salt tolerance

Rabia Masood, Niaz Ali, Azhar Hussain Shah, Fouzia Bibi, Faiza Masood, Jackie Rudd, Mujeeb Kazi
Int. J. Biosci.9( 1), 435-442, July 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Novel sources of salt tolerance need to be identified for the development of crop on saline prone areas in order to meet the food demands of increasing human population. We have evaluated 136 Hexaploid synthetic wheat and their derivatives with local checks varieties at seedling stage for salt tolerance in petridishes at 0, 75 and 150mM NaCl solution using different physiological indices like shoot and root length stress tolerance index, shoot fresh and dry weight tolerance index and root dry weight tolerance index. The collected data were analyzed by statistical techniques as analysis of variance, descriptive statistics, and correlation analysis to evaluate the variations among the studied germplasm against salt tolerance. Mean square values by the analysis of variance and interaction mean values between the genotypes and traits expressed significant variation among all the traits. Highly significant and positive correlation was found between shoot and root length, shoot fresh weight, shoot and root dry weight. Salt tolerant genotypes with accession number 23, 897, 892, 80, 3, 44, , 50, 33, 433, 605, 52, 551, 5, 593, 20, 866, 53, 906, Pasban-90, Shorawaki, and S-24 has been identified which performed best and expressed higher plant fresh/dry biomass and root/shoot length and resulted lower biomass and growth reduction when exposed to 75 and 150mM NaCl with Stress tolerance index (STI) ranges from 70-100% . In order validate these findings the selected lines will be further investigated at the maturity stage in saline field condition for agronomic and yield related traits as thousand kernel weight and harvest index.


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