Evaluation of air quality in a suburban area of Algiers: A study using INAA and EDXRF technique

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Evaluation of air quality in a suburban area of Algiers: A study using INAA and EDXRF technique

Ghania Iazzourene, Leila Hamioud, Salim Lamine, Zohra Bouhila
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 1), 193-203, January 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study shows the levels of air pollution concerning the Total atmospheric Suspended Particles (TSP) and the mineral fraction which is conveyed by the latter in a suburban site, west of Algiers. The particulate sampling is performed by a low-flow sampler. The study shows that this suburban site, the air pollution by the TSP reached relatively low levels. We note that 76% of the levels found do not exceed the quality objective set by the Algerian regulations and the WHO (50µg/m3), therefore, the TSP pollution is tolerable, with an average of (40μg/m3). The analysis of metals associated with TSP by nuclear methods: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) and the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) technique. INAA shows the presence of Cr, Pb, As, Ni, Fe, V, Zn, Mn, Se, Co, Sb, Ba, Br, Sc, Hf, Ce , Ca and Cu accusing relatively low values ​​compared with limit values ​​that regulate this form of pollution and the values ​​published in the same line of research, but the inhalation of certain metals such as lead, chromium, nickel, arsenic, vanadium, manganese, cobalt and antimony even in small amounts may lead to toxic concentrations by accumulation effect in the body.


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