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Research Paper 01/01/2020
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Raza Ullah, Waqar Ullah, Farooq Shah, Ahmad Saleem, Zia-ur-rahman, Muhammad Abbas, Shahab Ali Shah, KawsarAli, Wuzhihai
Int. J. Biosci.16( 1), 150-161, January 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


In Pakistan, maize is one of the most important crops for food and feed. It is used in numerous products that are linked to human nutrition.But currently, due to the unavailability of high yielding maize varieties and choice of unsuitable varieties under a given environment reduce the final yield. This experiment was carried out at the Agriculture Research Farm of Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan during the first week of March 2018. Seven different maize varieties (Pscv-1219, Pscv-1306, Pscv-1311, Pscv-0309, Pscv-0401, Pscv-8003 and local check Azam were collected from Cereal Crops Research Institute (CCRI) Pirsabak Nowshera, Pakistan. The experiment was carried out bya Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Analysis of data showed significant variations for almost all studied traits (p< 0.05). In terms of grain yield, variety Azam was found the best as it produced maximum grains(8972.13kg ha-1) followed by Pscv-1306 (7431.05 kg grains ha-1), Pscv-1311 (7114.29 kg grains ha-1) and Pscv-1219 (6979.67 kg grains ha-1) which were statistically non-significant. Similarly, the minimum grain yield was noted for variety Pscv-0309 (5319.78 kg grains ha-1) which was similar to variety Pscv-0401 (6335.92 kg grains ha-1) and Pscv-8003 (5539.20 kg grains ha-1).  It seems logical to conclude from the findings of this trial that among the newly introduced varieties Pscv-1306, Pscv-1311 and Pscv-1219 also exhibited the best performance which was similarto that of the check (Azam). Therefore,further trails are thus imperative to evaluate these varieties under slightly different environmental conditions and cultural practices which may potentially suit these more than the one used in this trial.

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