Evaluation of genetic diversity and QTLs controlling drought tolerance indicators in agropyron using wheat-agropyron disomic addition lines

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Research Paper 01/01/2015
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Evaluation of genetic diversity and QTLs controlling drought tolerance indicators in agropyron using wheat-agropyron disomic addition lines

Ezatollah Farshadfar, Shima Rahmani, Mohammad Mahdi Jowkar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 1), 290-299, January 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


In order to study genetic diversity and locating QTLs controlling indicators of drought tolerance, disomic chromosome addition lines of Agropyron elongatum (donor) into the genetic background of Chinese Spring (recipient) were tested in the field under irrigated and rainfed conditions. Analysis of variance exhibited significant differences for stress yield (Ys), seed per plant (SPP), seed per spike (SPS), seed weight (SW), relative water content (RWC) and leaf water potential (LWP) indicating the presence of genetic variability and possible chromosomal localization of QTLs monitoring agro-physiological criteria of drought tolerance in Agropyron. Comparison of means showed that the disomic addition lines 3E, 5E, 5E, 6E, 7E and 3E had the highest Ys, SPP, SPS, SW, RWC and LWP respectively, while chromosome 2E revealed the lowest amount of RWL, therefore QTLs controlling agro-physiological indicators of drought tolerance in Agropyron are distributed on chromosomes 2E, 3E, 5E, 6E and 7E among which chromosomes 3E, 5E and 7E were outstanding. The highest amount of stress tolerance index ( STI), geometric mean productivity (GMP), harmonic mean (HM) and yield index (YI) was attributed to addition lines 4E and 5E, therefore QTLs monitoring yield based drought tolerance indicators are located on chromosomes 4E and 5E and hence they can be used for improvement of drought tolerance in wheat through chromosome engineering. High broad sense heritability was observed for all characters except SPP and LWP expressing low genetic potentials, high effect of environment and absence of additive gene action in the inheritance of SPP and LWP.


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