Evaluation of pearl mussels diversity in Terai region of Eastern Himalaya, India

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Research Paper 01/12/2016
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Evaluation of pearl mussels diversity in Terai region of Eastern Himalaya, India

Arpita Dey, Ruksa Nur, Uday Kumar Udit, Shailesh Saurabh, Sudip Barat
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 6), 69-77, December 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was conducted to evaluate and generate a primary database on bivalve diversity found in the water bodies of Terai region of Eastern Himalaya, West Bengal, India. A total of 20 species belonging to two genus Lamellidens and Parreysia were recorded. The availability of maximum molluscs was observed during the summer months of April to June. The most dominant species among genus Lamellidens and Parreysia were L. Marginalis and P. triembolus, respectively. Among the above observed bivalves species, Lamellidens consobrinus (L=11.2cm, D=5.6cm) was the largest in size and Parreysia lima (L=2.8cm, D=1.5cm) the smallest. The evaluation of conservation status of the bivalves and the results of the present study revealed that 14 species were considered as Lower Risk Least Concern and 6 species were Data Deficient. Also, the study revealed that 6 species were of relative abundance (+++) such as Lamellidens marginalis, Lamellidens jenkinsianus obesus, Lamellidens corrianus, Parreysia triembolus, Parreysia favidens, Parreysia favidens assamensis and 5 species were of very less abundance (+) in the study areas and these included Lamellidens jenkinsianus daceaensis, Lamellidens jenkinsianus, Parreysia bonneaudi, Parreysia pachysoma and Lamellidens phenchoganjensis. Ten species have more food value than the rest of the species. Despite its abundant food value, several wild populations of bivalves have been suffering drastic reduction. So, awareness programmes amongst the fishermen and local people and strict ban of illegal monsoon collection of bivalves from rivers and water bodies should be promulgated. It is concluded, that anthropogenic pressure has posed threat to the bivalve diversity.


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