Evaluation of promising lines in rice (Oryza sativa L.) to agronomic and genetic performance under Egyptian conditions

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Research Paper 01/03/2016
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Evaluation of promising lines in rice (Oryza sativa L.) to agronomic and genetic performance under Egyptian conditions

Gala Anis, Ayman EL Sabagh, Abdelfatah Ghareb, Ibrahim EL-Rewainy
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.8( 3), 52-57, March 2016.
Certificate: IJAAR 2016 [Generate Certificate]


A field experiment was conducted during the period 2014 and 2015 at the farm of Rice Research and Training Center, Sakha, kafr el-sheikh, Egypt for evaluation the performance of promising lines in rice to agronomic and genetic performance under Egyptian conditions. Results revealed that the Giza 179 produced the highest grain yield (5.44 kg/m2) followed by the promising line GZ9461-4-2-3-1 (5.26 kg/m2) and the commercial variety Giza 178 (5.07 kg/m2). Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among genotypes for all traits. The high genotypic coefficient of variability (gcv) and phenotypic coefficient of variability (pcv) recorded for number of filled grains/panicle indicate the existence of wide spectrum of variability for this trait and offer greater opportunities for desired trait through phenotypic selection. The phenotypic variance was higher than the corresponding genotypic variance for traits. Estimation of heritability ranged from 49.16% to 99.52% for number of panicle/plant and duration traits, respectively. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was observed for growing period and plant height and indicate the lesser influence of environment in expression of these traits and prevalence of additive gene action in their inheritance hence, amenable of simple selection. The promising rice lines GZ9461-4-2-3-1 and GZ10147-1-2-1-1 performed better as compared with the commercial variety. Selection of these traits would be more effective for yield improvement in rice and these promising lines would be more valuable materials for breeders engaged in the development of high yielding cultivars.

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