Evaluation of rhizospheric soil and nodules of native species of semi-arid/sub-humid forest ecosystem: coping with the growth barrier

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Research Paper 01/02/2017
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Evaluation of rhizospheric soil and nodules of native species of semi-arid/sub-humid forest ecosystem: coping with the growth barrier

Lubna Ansari, Asghari Bano, Sarwat N. Mirza, Rifat Hayat, Nizami Syed Moazzam, Aamir Saleem
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 2), 154-162, February 2017.
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The microorganisms (Bacillus and Achromobacter species) present in soil and root nodules play an important role in phosphorus solubilization and proline production. They are of utmost importance for growth enhancement in tree species especially which are surviving under stressed conditions.This study was carried out to solve the problem of stunted growth in native tree species which are striving in physiologically stressed conditions in semi-arid/sub humid forest ecosystem of Pakistan via application of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs). The rhizospheric soil and nodules under native tree species viz a vizAcacia modesta, A. nilotica, AlbizzialebbekandA.procera were collected. A series of experiments were carried out to isolate Rhizobial strains from tree rhizospheric soil and nodules, through characterizing bacteria using molecular and biochemical techniques. Moreover the isolation was carried out through dilution plate techniques. Luria Bertani(LB)and Yeast ExtarctManitol(YEM) media were used. Strains were purified and preserved in glycerol stocks. The purified strains were also tested for proline and phosphorus solubilization. The study revealed that maximum phosphate solubilized by Achromobacter muciolenswhileenhancedProline contents were found in Achromobacter xylosoxidans.This study identified that by application of PGPRs one can enhance the growth in tree species which are striving in stressed conditions.


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