Evaluation of wheat performance under different sowing techniques in agro climatic conditions of KPK, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/03/2018
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Evaluation of wheat performance under different sowing techniques in agro climatic conditions of KPK, Pakistan

Abdul Latif, Muhammad Irfan Ahmad, Waleed Asghar, Jalil Ahmad, Asad Abbas, Muhammad Zulfiqar Ahmad, Muhammad Umair Mubarak
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 3), 349-354, March 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The present study aims at investigating the impacts of different planting methods on the growth and yield of wheat. The six different agronomic sowing methods are Broad cast single 1, Broad cast double 2, Rabi Drill, Hand Drill, Bed sowing, Zero Tillage were applied to check the performance of growth and yield of wheat crop variety Faisalabad – 2008 in rabbi season 2015 under the agro climatic conditions of Research Farm, Gomal University D.I. Khan, KPK, Pakistan. Sowing methods show statistically significant difference in Germination m-2, Number of tillers m-2, Plant height, spike length, Number of Spikelets/ spike, no of grain per spike, 1000- grain weight (g), Grain Yield kg ha-1 Maximum thousand grain weight (47. 067) was produced in those plots where zero tillage was done and maximum grain yield 2194 kg ha-1 was produced when wheat was sown by method of zero tillage. The poor results were obtained in method of broad cast single 1.


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