Farming technologies: assessment on the availability and extent of use of improved farming technologies by farmers in North-western Cagayan, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/08/2021
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Farming technologies: assessment on the availability and extent of use of improved farming technologies by farmers in North-western Cagayan, Philippines

Mhell Ruth Ann B. Cabutaje-Simon
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.19( 2), 22-30, August 2021.
Certificate: IJAAR 2021 [Generate Certificate]


In the Philippines, a wide range of agricultural technologies were already introduced and some are being used successfully by several farmers. However, the adoption of some areas is still poor. Since the main livelihood of people in North-western Cagayan is farming, there is a need to assess the adoption rate of the farmers to new and improved farming technologies. This study obtained the Socio-economic Characteristics of the respondents. It also determined the different farming technologies available in the respondents’ community, and their level of adoption. Furthermore, it also determined how receptive the respondents to new technologies. This study covered the six municipalities in the north-western part of Cagayan, Philippines namely: Sta. Praxedes, Claveria, Sanchez Mira, Pamplona, Abulug, and Ballesteros. The findings show that most of the respondents are male with a mean age of 47. Majority of them are married with a household size of 5, high school graduates, tilling an average of 2 hectares with an average farm experience of 19 years, and own the land they are cultivating with an average annual income of Php57, 000. Most of the technologies they are using are products introduced in the market 10 to 20 years ago. While new and improved technologies are still not in use however most of them are aware of their existence. Thus, the level of adoption of farm technology of the respondents is high but the availability of products in the community is limited since new and improved technology is still not that accessible to them.

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