Floral diversity and Impact of runoff salts on native vegetation at south eastern side of the salt range in Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/11/2019
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Floral diversity and Impact of runoff salts on native vegetation at south eastern side of the salt range in Pakistan

Allah Nawaz Khan, Noor Ull Huda, Mansoor Hameed, Farooq Ahmad, Muhammad Asif Akram, Atfa Iqbal
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 227-232, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Present study was conducted to investigate the floral diversity and Impact of runoff salts on  native vegetation at south eastern side of the salt range in Pakistan, because this area has  a lot of importance due to its unique kind of floral diversity including many salt tolerating plant species. Firstly an extensive survey was conducted and sample from plant species present at south eastern side of salt range were collected, pressed, and dried. It was concluded that Plant species are different in their tolerance capacity and this capability is different with in different cultivars of same species. Salinity causes much limitation to agricultural sector in area of low rain fall as arid and semi-arid zones. Salinity inhibition of plant growth and their distribution in different area. Salinity distributes plants according to their concentration and plant resistance to these concentrations.


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