Generation and proliferation rate assessment of saba banana (Musa balbisiana) as affected by irrigation levels and plant growth enhancers under glasshouse condition

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Generation and proliferation rate assessment of saba banana (Musa balbisiana) as affected by irrigation levels and plant growth enhancers under glasshouse condition

Jimson S Ramirez
J. Bio. Env. Sci.17( 1), 42-47, July 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The main production constraint of banana is the availability of disease-free and healthy planting materials. Tissue culture is a technique that could provide these materials, but it requires high cost and technical expertise. Macropropagation offers simpler and more affordable processes that could enhance seedling production. This study evaluated the effects of irrigation levels and growth enhancers on macropropagation of saba banana under glasshouse conditions using factorial in completely randomized design. Factor A consisted of irrigation levels: A1=50%RR, A2=100% RR and A3=150%RR. Different growth enhancers were used for Factor B: B0=Control, B1=Coconut water, B2=Seaweed extract and B3=Benzyl Amino Purine. Results clearly suggests the advantage of using plant growth enhancers and appropriate irrigation level for macropropagation of banana. The irrigation level of 50% of recommended rate or 4liters/day plus the application of BAP (2mg/l) or the plant growth enhancers may be recommended for obtaining maximum growth, more plantlets produced and irrigation water efficiency of banana. It could not only save water for plants but also accelerates the growth and production of banana.

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