Germination response of five tree species on hospital wastewater

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Research Paper 01/01/2017
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Germination response of five tree species on hospital wastewater

Amina Kanwal, Safdar Ali
Int. J. Biosci.10( 1), 81-90, January 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


World is facing water scarcity and wastewater may be important source of water and nutrients for irrigation. Estimates reveal that about 10% of agri-land is irrigated usingwastewater with both positive and negative effects on ecosystem. Since wastewater reuse is currently necessary (due to water shortage). The best feasible management practice is to use wastewater for forest irrigation in and around cities. Species with higher tolerance index can be used in urban forestry. In the present study, germination studies of five tree species were investigated, using hospital wastewater (HWW). Germination experiment was conducted in Petri dishes in completely randomized design, each containing four seeds on filter paper moistened with different concentrations of HWW. Petri dishes in triplicate were placed under 16 hrs photoperiod. Statistical analysis revealed that germination %, seedling length andweight increased with increase in HWW concentration but concentration beyond 50% imparted negative effects. Study showed that only Millettia peguensis Ali, Pongamia pinnata L. Pierre, Albizia lebbeck L. Benth, Bauhinia purpurea L. and Dalbergia sissoo L. can withstand toxicity of HWW and thus can be the potential candidate for urban forestry. These species showed significantly high vigor index and tolerance index. Results support the use of HWW with 50% dilution for forest irrigation. This study suggests the possible use of HWW for forest irrigation and highlights the multiple benefits of HWW use in irrigation such as to improve forest cover and to reduce; pollutant migration in environment and water scarcity.


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