Greenfield development: an example of mirpur-airport link road and its impact on the surrounding environment

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Research Paper 01/05/2017
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Greenfield development: an example of mirpur-airport link road and its impact on the surrounding environment

Z. Ferdousi, N. A. Haque, M. Hasan, A. K. M. S. Islam
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 5), 37-45, May 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The study was conducted to estimate the socio-economic change, change of living quality, change of transportation demand etc of the area due to the Greenfield development. Mainly primary data collection method was followed to obtain actual pictures of the area. A questionnaire survey was conducted and field notes were taken during observation period. By analyzing the collected data and various-information, some certain outcomes were provided. Some certain socio-economic and physical changes have been identified in the people of Greenfield development area. Among the transportation demand, boat was the main transport of South Manikdi, Baunia Beribadh and Namapara people and light motor was Maticutta at the time of previous condition whereas the some Tempo stations and Bus stand was set up after the Greenfield development i.e., road was established and light motors were not allowed. After the Greenfield development, monthly income, residential buildings, super market place, price of land adjacent to the road was increased than before the road construction. On the other hand, communication, health and security problem was found before the road construction but these were less after development of Greenfield. Although some problems were found due to road side establishment but also Greenfield development is a good way to give  the more facilities of public related to socio-economic, living quality, transport mode, land price in that fringe area.


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