Hydrochemistry of groundwater salinity sources in the shallow aquifer: Case of Annaba plain (Ne Algeria)

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Hydrochemistry of groundwater salinity sources in the shallow aquifer: Case of Annaba plain (Ne Algeria)

A. Benchaib, L. Djabri, A. Hani, H. Chaffai, N. Boughrira
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 5), 215-222, November 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The growth of population and expanding agricultural and industrial sectors in the recent years, have created an increase in demand. However the overexploitation of the coastal aquifer of Annaba Gulf (North-East Algeria). These heavy demands have caused a degradation of groundwater hydrochemical quality (salinization). To identify the origin of groundwater salinity; hydrochimical and physical parameters information has been examined and to interpret the processes of the mineralization. Electrical conductivity values varied between 838 and 10600µS/cm. Chloride concentration attained 1850mg/L and the proportion of seawater intrusion in the extreme north of the plain was 8.58% calculated by seawater fraction formal, showing the intense seawater intrusion. Cation-exchange reactions and water–rock interactions related to the dissolution of evaporitic formation and calcite occurred by ionic relationships during seawater intrusion. Nitrate values ranged from 0 to 11.4mg/L under the drinking water standards. Therefore, the main origin of groundwater salinization was attributed to seawater intrusion with the contribution of anthropogenic pollution.


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