Hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater in the Trans boundary watershed of the Medjerda River (Extreme North-East Algeria)

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Hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater in the Trans boundary watershed of the Medjerda River (Extreme North-East Algeria)

Moncef Bourouga, Lamine Sayad, Nabil Bougherira, Hicham Chaffai, Larbi Djabri, Azzedine Hani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 2), 181-188, February 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The purpose of this study is to understand the hydrogeochemical functioning of the waters of the transboundary aquifer system of the Medjerda. This will ensure the sustainability of the region’s water resources in the face of increased demand from high socio-economic growth coupled with anthropogenic pollution and the hazards of climate change. The transboundary watershed of the Medjerda River, which is of great importance in relation to its geographical location, is considered vital for Tunisia, thus offering about half of the fresh water available in the country. This basin drained by the Medjerda wadi has a set of aquifers characterized mainly by the deep aquifers of the karstified limestones of the Maestrichtian, Campanian and Turonian periods, as well as alluvial formations of the Mio-Plio-Quaternary age. The processing of data obtained from physico-chemical analyses carried out on aquifer waters was carried out using multivariate hydrochemical and statistical methods. The results reveal the dominance of the bicarbonate facies resulting from the dissolution of the limestone formations that predominate in the Taoura syncline. It should also be noted that other chemical facies such as calcium sulphate, calcium chloride and sodium chloride are present due to the presence of evaporite formations on the edge.

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