ICT an Important information Tool for Sustainable Agriculture Productivity

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Research Paper 01/02/2021
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ICT an Important information Tool for Sustainable Agriculture Productivity

Muhammad Waqar, Siddig El Tayeb Muneer, Fahad Owis Aldosari, M.B. Baig, Xue Xiong, Yasir Niaz, Muhammad Sameem Javed, Muhammad Mohsin Waqas, Nividita Varun Chand
Int. J. Biosci.18( 2), 39-44, February 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Recently ICT tools have a critical role to deliver extension services to the farming communities on time. The current research was carried out in the District Lodhran, Pakistan–an ideal area for sustainable crop production due to its prevailing irrigation system and fertile soils. The survey study was conducted to assess the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on the productivity of main crops i.e. wheat, cotton, chilies and cucumber. The data were collected randomly selecting 193 farmers and through a validated, pre-tested and well- structured questionnaire.  Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS-21. The findings of the study revealed that ICT had a positive and significant impact on crop productivity of wheat, cucumber and chilies.  However; ICT has not a significant impact on cotton productivity due to water shortage and pest infestation in that year. The main barriers preventing the adoption of ICT possibly could be lack of infrastructure, low education and English proficiency and power shortfall. Therefore, it would be appropriate to further investigate into reasons that prevent farmers, to use ICT.


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