Identification, phylogenetic analysis of NAC transcription factor family in barely and expression pattern of HvNAC involved at salinity

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Research Paper 01/02/2017
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Identification, phylogenetic analysis of NAC transcription factor family in barely and expression pattern of HvNAC involved at salinity

Jafar Ahmadi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 2), 45-57, February 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Plants activate some mechanisms that increase their tolerance to stresses. The perception of stress signals and then signal transduction, leads to the activation of various physiological responses. In signal transduction networks, various transcription factors function as molecular switches for gene expression. NAC transcription factors are involved in various biotic and abiotic stresses, including stress-induced flowering and lateral root development. Considering that many of the NACs in barley will be revealed as key regulators of abiotic stresses, and also understanding the precise functions of the NAC genes can be of valuable importance for the improvement of barely, studies of this family are momentous. In the present study, a comprehensive analysis of NAC gene family in barely was performed. A total of 82 barely NAC proteins were identified, and phylogeneticly clustered into 5 subfamily and 13 distinct subgroups. The motif compositions were conserved among the subfamilies. It was resulted that high amounts of Proline and Alanine in the studied HvNAC proteins might have an association with the response of barely against salinity. The largest number of NAC genes (28%) belonged to chromosome 7 with 23 genes. Using qRT-PCR, It was investigated the expression profile of one HvNAC across two barley cultivars at two tissues and two saline treatments. Statistical analysis revealed a significant expression increase (P< 0.01) in response to salinity in tolerant cultivar Afzal.


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