Immunohistochemical markers of mammary tumors in female dogs from Northeastern Algeria

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Immunohistochemical markers of mammary tumors in female dogs from Northeastern Algeria

Zahra Gabli, Leila Beddar, Zouhir Djerrou
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 330-335, April 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was undertaken to investigate the importance of immunohistochemical markers (cytokeratins AE1/AE2, CK20, CK5, 6, RE, vimentin and P63) in tumor type diagnosis in the case of canine mammary tumors. Thirteen (13) tumors tissue specimens were obtained from 42 female dogs in different ages and breeds. They had been classified according to WHO method after histopathological examination. The tumors were diagnosed as Squamous cell carcinoma (3 cases), Spindle cell carcinomas (2 cases), Sarcomas (3 cases), Carcinoma simple cribriform (2 cases) and the epithelial component is malignant, and the myoepithelium is benign (3 cases). Cytokeratins AE1/AE2 were seen in all cases except in the spindle cell carcinoma. Vimentin can be used as a myoepithelial and mesenchymal cell marker in all cases except in the malin myoepithelioma, P63 is a sensitive and specific myoepithelial marker in canine mammary tumors. Whereas CK 5, 6 and RE were specifically detected in simple cribriform Carcinoma, cytokeratins CK20 were expressed in all cases except in the Squamous cell carcinoma. These results emphasize the interest of immunohistochemical markers to identify the humoral cell origin in canine mammary tumors.


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