Impact of tillage methods and nitrogen application rates on soil physical health indices, NO3 content and yield related traits of wheat

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Impact of tillage methods and nitrogen application rates on soil physical health indices, NO3 content and yield related traits of wheat

Naima Zia, Muhammad Iqbal, Nadeem Sarwar, Muhammad Nawaz, Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Rashid Shaheen, Aziz-Ur-Rehman, Salma Shehzad, Yusraw Jawad
Int. J. Biosci.12( 5), 72-80, May 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A field study was conducted to investigate the effects of tillage and nitrogenous fertilizer on soil physical properties and crop yield of wheat. Tillage treatments in the study were conventional tillage (CT) and deep tillage (DT). Nitrogen in the form of Urea was applied @ 130 and 160 kg ha-1, while control treatment received no N application. The statistical results of the study indicated that tillage methods significantly affected soil physical properties. Deep tillage and high nitrogen rates caused greater leaching of nitrate than the control at various depths. The statistical results of the study also indicated that nitrogen application significantly affected the agronomic parameters of wheat but had non significant effect on soil physical properties. The maximum value of grain yield and straw yield was observed in case of N160. So to improve soil physical properties, to gain substantial yield of wheat  as well as to check nitrate leaching, proper nitrogen rates in a planned manner should be applied rather than excessive use and indiscriminate tillage practices should also kept under consideration.


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