Impacts of cotton production on the diversity and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in the Alibori and Sota rivers in northern Bénin

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Research Paper 04/01/2023
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Impacts of cotton production on the diversity and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in the Alibori and Sota rivers in northern Bénin

Zoulkanerou Orou Piami, Hotèkpo Hervé Akodogbo, Fadéby Modeste Gouissi, Rafiou Raoul Thierry Gouton, Ayodélé Shola David Darius Adje, Koudjodé Simon Abahi, Midogbo Pierre Gnohossou and Christophe Piscart
Int. J. Biosci.22( 1), 77-94, January 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study carried out on two (02) streams of the Alibori river and three (03) streams of the Sota river in the cotton basin of northern Bénin aims to highlight the impact of cotton production on benthic macroinvertebrate communities. On each stream, three (03) stations (clean; moderately polluted and heavily polluted) were determined. In each station eight (08) MIB samples were collected. In situ parameters were measured while others were assayed in the laboratory. A Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to match the physico-chemical data with the MIB families. Diversity indices were used to determine the effects of pesticides on MIBs. The physicochemical variables revealed a significant dominance of temperature, conductivity, total ammonia and total phosphate values under the effect of agricultural pesticides. The macrofauna collected consisted of 95.15% insects, 2.23% worms, 2.03% mollusks, 0.42% hydracarans and 0.17% Crustaceans before the use of pesticides. After the use of pesticides, this macrofauna is made up of 69.70% of insects, 26.4% of worms, 2.44% of mollusks, 1.03% of crustaceans, and 0.39% of hydracarians. A high abundance of insects and hydracarans and a low abundance of molluscs, worms and crustaceans were noted before the use of pesticides than after the use of pesticides in the Beninese cotton basin. This situation is corroborated by the low abundance and taxonomic richness as well as the low values of the Shannon index and the high values of the Hilsenhoff index at the stations after the use of pesticides, especially the stations under strong agricultural disturbances.


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