Influence of aluminium sulfate and copper sulfate on some characteristic in Rosa hybrida

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Research Paper 01/01/2015
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Influence of aluminium sulfate and copper sulfate on some characteristic in Rosa hybrida

Malihe Shahreki Nader, Yahya Dehghani Shuraki, Hamid Reza Mobasser
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 1), 56-61, January 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Flowers play a vital role in angiosperm reproduction; they are often pigmented and or perfumed to attract pollinators. However, despite its irreplaceable ecological role, the flowers are energetically expensive to maintain beyond their useful life, and therefore have a limited life-span that is usually taken away after pollination; causing senescence syndrome. Aluminum sulfate can decrease cut rose petal acidity and cause fixation of anthocyanin pigments and increase cut rose flowers vase. The role of aluminum sulfate to increase the vase life of cut flowers is not limited to lowering the pH of vase solution. The experiment was conducted at the research laboratory of education complex of zahedan (in iran). Laboratory lighting was provided by fluorescent lamps. The field experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with factorial design with four replications. Analysis of variance showed that the effect of aluminium sulfate and copper sulfate on all characteristic was significant.


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