Influence of liquid pollination technique on fruit yield and physico-chemical characteristics of date palm cultivars Khadrawy and Zahidi

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Research Paper 01/08/2019
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Influence of liquid pollination technique on fruit yield and physico-chemical characteristics of date palm cultivars Khadrawy and Zahidi

Muhammad Munir
J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 2), 41-49, August 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Present study was designed to evaluate the response of date palm cultivars Khadrawy and Zahidi to varied concentrations of pollen grains liquid suspension (1, 2, 3 and 4g.L-1). The experiment was arranged on two-factorial randomized complete block design. Results of the study revealed that the pollen application of 4g.L-1 significantly increased fruit set (86%), fruit weight (11.27g), fruit length (38.27mm), fruit width (23.70mm), fruit thickness (18.90mm), fruit geometric diameter (24.93mm), fruit arithmetic diameter (26.96mm), fruit surface area (1953.93mm2), fruit volume (11.29cc), yield per palm (23.97kg), seed length (2.40cm), pulp weight (9.83g), pulp:seed ratio (6.88) and moisture content (22.72%). However, fruit drop parameter was minimal (37%) in that treatment as compared to others. All other parameters (fruit sphericity, seed weight, seed diameter, percent of pulp, percent of seed, total soluble solids, total sugars, reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars) were statistically non-significant. However, application of 3g.L-1 pollen grains liquid suspension treatment was closely followed by 4g.L-1 pollen grains application regarding all these attributes. Comparison between the date palm cultivars, Khadrawy was observed superior than Zahidi regarding aforesaid parameters. The interactional data of both factors showed positive impact of 4g.L-1 pollen suspension concentration when applied to cultivar Khadrawy, which was closely followed by 3g.L-1 application. It is therefore, concluded from the present research that although the application of 4g.L-1 pollen suspension treatment gave the best results in both cultivars, however, application of 3g.L-1 pollen suspension can also be practiced at a minimal compromise on date palm yield and quality for both cultivars.


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