Influence of macro nutrients (N and P) on growth and yield of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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Research Paper 01/02/2020
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Influence of macro nutrients (N and P) on growth and yield of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Danyal Ali Hingoro, Pir Ahmed Naqi Shah, Muhammad Saleem Chang, Jay Kumar Sootaher, Asif Ali Lakho, Muhammad Naeem, Rahamdil Baloch, Kashif Ali Buriro
Int. J. Biosci.16( 2), 279-285, February 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The experiment was conducted at experimental area of Student’s Experimental Farm, Department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam during 2017-18 to assess the influence of macro nutrients (N and P) on growth and yield of barely for ix fertilizer level and two barely varieties (Clipper and Local variety) in a three replicated randomized complete block design. The results showed that maximum tillers per plant (236 m2), plant height (109.2 cm), spike length (16.8 cm), grains spike-1 (33.00), seed index (51.4 g) and grain yield (3153 kg ha-1) were recorded by Clipper variety. However, the fertilizer levels expressed that maximum tillers (251 m2), plant height (118.9 cm), spike length (18.4 cm), grains spike-1 (35), seed index (57.7 g) and grain yield (3159 kg ha-1) were noted in F6 = 80-40 NP kg ha-1. In case of interaction, Clipper variety x F6 = 80-40 NP kg ha-1 produced maximum tillers (268 m2), plant height (124.3 cm), spike length (21.3 cm), grains spike-1 (37), seed index (59.0 g) and grain yield (3283 kg ha-1). However, local variety × F1 = 00 (No fertilizer) manifested minimum tillers (206 m2), plant height (83.9 cm), spike length (9.4 cm), grains spike-1 (26), seed index (38.3 g) and grain yield (2755 kg ha-1). It was concluded that growth and yield, particularly grain yield was considerably affected by fertilizer levels. It was indorsed that Clipper × F6 = 80-40 NP kg ha-1 was suitable combination for getting more and more yield of barley crop.


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