Intraspecific evaluation in the morphology of Glossogobius guiris using geometric morphometric analysis from lake Mainit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines

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Intraspecific evaluation in the morphology of Glossogobius guiris using geometric morphometric analysis from lake Mainit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines

Cresencio C. Cabuga, Jr. Medralyn B. Milloria, Joven R. Lanes, Catty Joy L. Varona, Jojean Marie D. Pondang, Jessamy J. Ruales, Renato T. Corporal
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 379-387, January 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Morphological variations among organism have been baseline information to which species may vary from one and another. This study has been conducted to determine the intraspecific evaluation in the morphology of Glossogobius guiris using geometric morphometric analysis from Lake Mainit, Agusan del Norte, Phils. About 60 individuals (30 males and 30 females) were collected and subjected to analysis. Digital imaging was prepared and loaded to the tpdsdig2 program. Standard landmarks were applied in the fish morphology. Utilizing thin plate spline (tps) series, landmark examination were obtained and subjected to symmetry and asymmetry geometric data (SAGE) software. There were three factors applied to identify shape variations:  individuals, sides and individuals vs. sides. In Procrustes ANOVA, results showed a highly significant difference of (P<0.0001**) in both male and female samples demonstrating FA in G. guiris. The asymmetry detected in the fish samples indicating a variation in the morphology among the female and male samples. While other correlate this phenomenon due to genetic composition and environmental perturbations. Principal Component Analysis was applied to investigate affected landmarks in the fishes and showed that females have the highest cumulative scores (82.9304%) while males (78.9154%). The data obtained revealed that morphological variations have been depicted between female and male samples yet they are in the same species. Thus, employing geometric morphometric to determined shape variances widely acknowledges and performs as a cost-effective tool.


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