Investigating and comparing safe routers in adhoc networks

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Research Paper 01/06/2015
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Investigating and comparing safe routers in adhoc networks

Somayyeh Haghtalabi, Mehdi Golshan, Mostafa Jahangir, Reza Saboor
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 6), 589-595, June 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Adhoc networks are networks are nodes non-structurally related nodes with no consistent resource for organizing them. One of the most difficult problems in Ad-Hoc networks is rout finding. Since the nodes are displaced in Ad-Hoc networks, they get distant from adjacent boards and hence, the network topology changes all the time. Safety in Ad-hoc networks especially for military ones is very vital. As nodes don’t have constant position, any invading node can penetrate the network easily and gets the safety of information or rout finding of all or a part of the network disordered; especially giving the fact that most of the rout finding methods in the network tend to believe in all nodes. This survey investigates the pros and cons of three protocols of safe rout finding and we survey some of the main algorithms in this significant like SEAD and ARANA algorithms.


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