Investigation of antimicrobial effects of tea leaf extract on microorganisms in culture media
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Investigation of antimicrobial effects of tea leaf extract on microorganisms in culture media
Regarding to the fact that using synthesis antimicrobial components in food stuffs has undesirable impacts including mutation, toxicological effects, and carcinogenesis in human body, they are being omitted from previously used antimicrobial components list; therefore, preparation and production of natural anti-bacterial components as a substitute seem to be necessary. Tea leaf has been recognized as a substance for antibacterial activity against the effect of microorganisms in the present research, antibacterial activity (paper-disc method), determination of the minimum inhibitor concentration and minimum microbe bactericide concentration (Agar and Broth Dilution Method) of tea water extract in three repetitions on Staphylococcus aureus (PTCC:1112), Escherichia coli (PTCC:1330) Penicillium sp. (PTCC:5251) and Clostridium perfringenes (PTCC: 1651) microorganisms were investigated. Based on the results of antimicrobial activity, Staphylococcus aureus showed the highest sensitivity and Escherichia coli had the highest resistance against tea water extract. Results of the minimum inhibitor concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericide (MBC) for Escherichia coli were determined to be 750 and 1500 mg/L and for microorganisms they were identified to be 375 and 750 mg/L respectively.
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Fardin Mir Ahmadi, Kambiz Davari (2014), Investigation of antimicrobial effects of tea leaf extract on microorganisms in culture media; JBES, V4, N4, April, P398-403
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