Landmark-based geometric morphometric analysis of forewing sexual dimorphism in mycalesisita

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Research Paper 01/08/2018
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Landmark-based geometric morphometric analysis of forewing sexual dimorphism in mycalesisita

John M. Fabrigar, Noe P. Mendez, Glenda Z. Doblas, Alma B. Mohagan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 2), 18-29, August 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This study presents the phenotypic variation in sexual dimorphism on wing shape of Mycalesisita. Butterfly wings hold highly diverse phenotypes as a result of interactions between adaptive processes, phylogenetic history and developmental constraints. The results of this study revealed that there is no considerable difference in wing morphology within sexes in both sites, though sexual dimorphism of wing shape between sexes is highly pronounced, completely separating the male and female M.ita. In addition, it is notable that male morphology is more stable across sites, having 45% portion of its population with uniform morphology compared to 27.5% portion of female population. This further emphasize the differences in the physiology and life history of male and female and suggest that female morphology may undergone or undergoing more changes overtime. Environmental isolation and varying level of gene pool could also one of the factors causing these variations. Hence, this study proved the ability of modern geometric morphometrics to distinguish body shape variations existing within and between populations of M.ita.


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