Local adaptation strategies against climate change among the oscillating agro-pastoral Maasai communities, Tanzania

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Research Paper 25/09/2022
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Local adaptation strategies against climate change among the oscillating agro-pastoral Maasai communities, Tanzania

Paschal John Seni, Mateso Said, Justina Kiwango
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 3), 89-98, September 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study assesses the pastoral Maasai adaptation to climate changes in Losinyai, Orjoro no.5 and Shambarai Sokoni Wards in Simanjiro District. Data were collected using household surveys, key informant interviews and documentary reviews. Data were coded and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), where both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were applied. The results indicate an annual fluctuation of both rainfall and temperature in the study area. The major drivers of these changes are deforestation and charcoal making, and overstocking, which impose high pressure on land resources in the study area, leading to loss of grazing land, drought, land-use conflicts, and water sources. Initiatives taken by Pastoral Maasai to cope with the situation include moving cattle to wetland areas, pasture restoration, buying hay, destocking and keeping resistant breeds. The measures suggested to improve the traditional strategies include opening the cattle grid, providing grass seeds and modern livestock keeping education. The study recommends the need to control keeping small herds of cattle, integrate land use plans, and advance the current community by-laws that will prevent encroachment of the cattle grid from enabling the movement of livestock to resource points during drought conditions. The results of this study are helpful to advance our policies and practices, which are beneficial to increasing the resilience of local communities to climate change.


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