Macroinvertebrate structure and diversity in nutrient-rich ephemeral pools in Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria

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Research Paper 01/01/2020
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Macroinvertebrate structure and diversity in nutrient-rich ephemeral pools in Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria

Kate Isioma Iloba
Int. J. Biosci.16( 1), 335-343, January 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


This study used the Macroinvertebrate fauna to assess the ecological status and uniqueness of temporary, ephemeral pools in Delta state university, Abraka from 26th to 28th of October 2018, using standard methods. Among the studied environmental parameters, nitrate alone was significantly different among the pools (p<0.05). The pools macroinvertebrates handicapped supported seventeen taxa only from sixteen (16) families with a total of 460 individuals belonging to Odonata (28.91%) Oligochaeta (26.09%), Diptera (24.57%) Hemiptera(12.39),Gastropoda (4.35%), Coleoptera(3.48%), and Arachnida (0.22%) in order of dominance. The pools macroinvertebrates dominated by the group odonatan of the class Insecta. (Lumbricus terrestis Linnaeus 1758) (pollution-sensitive) found dead in the pools, low diversity indices(total taxa, Margalef index, dominance, and the Shannon diversity index), the occurrence and predominant of chironomus larvae (pollution-resistant worms) at the species level (24.57%) sign deteriorated water quality. The high number of resistant blood worms, low numbers of Gyrinus and Coleoptera is suggestive that they are suitable biological indicators of high concentration of the studied parameters in the pools and thus can be bioindicators of impaired water bodies.


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