Managing sesbania decomposition with urea and different tillage techniques in salt affected soil

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Managing sesbania decomposition with urea and different tillage techniques in salt affected soil

Muhammad Rizwan, Khalil Ahmed, Muhammad Sarfraz, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz, Ghulam Qadir, Muhammad Usaman, Muhammad Wajid Ijaz
Int. J. Biosci.12( 6), 258-268, June 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Green manuring is an integral component of sustainable agriculture and is an effective strategy in rehabilitation of salt affected soils. Also selection of tillage implements to be utilized under salt affected soils is very important for the seed bed preparation. For this purpose a study was carried outat Soil Salinity Research Institute, Pindi Bhattian, Pakistan to develop the best technique for decomposition of sesbania with urea fertilizer and tillage implements in saline sodicsoil. Twourea fertilizer levels i.e. control(no urea) and 40 kg ha-1 and three different tillage implements cultivator, disc harrow and rotavator were used insplit plot arrangement. Tillage implements were allocated in main plots and urea levels in sub plots keeping sub-plot. A salt affected field {ECe= 6.50 (d Sm-1), pHs= 8.90 and SAR = 45.70 (m mol L-1)1/2 } was selected. Crop rotation rice-wheat was used. Sesbania crop was sown before the transplanting of every rice crop and it was incorporated after 45 days of sowing. Analysis of data indicated that different tillage implements with urea enhanced the decomposition of sesbania and significantly improved soil pHs,ECe, SAR, HC, BD and rice-wheat yield. Maximum paddy and grain yield was observed in treatment where disc harrow was used with fertilizer level of urea @ 40 kg ha-1. So incorporation of sesbania with disc harrow along urea supply @ 40 kg ha-1 is therefore seen as a potential agro ecological innovation that promote a better utilization of sesbania in salt affected.


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