Marine pollution due to discharge of untreated waste water in Karachi coast

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Research Paper 01/11/2013
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Marine pollution due to discharge of untreated waste water in Karachi coast

Seema Jilani, Muhammad Altaf Khan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 11), 146-153, November 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Karachi with population over 18 million is currently producing around 472 million gallons per day of industrial and municipal waste water. About 85% untreated wastewater discharged into the Arabian Sea. Except few, no industry has the pretreatment facility. The present study was conducted to assess the pollution load being received by the coastal waters. The chemical and microbiological analysis of waste water samples as well as environmental monitoring of Karachi coastal areas indicate a very high load of organic pollutant as BOD, nitrogenous compounds, suspended and dissolved solids, alkaline and acidic pH, and the presence of pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, the untreated industrial effluent, bring the heavy load of toxic metals, pesticides and lubricating oils. The presence of these toxic compounds not only affecting the marine environment, but also having its toll on the country’s health as well as economy. The study findings may help authorities to develop an effective conservation plan.


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