Methamphetamine Drug

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Methamphetamine Drug

Rahaf A. Shawamiyan, Reema Almoallim, Haddad A. El Rabey
Int. J. Biosci.20( 5), 148-161, May 2022.
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Mesamphetamine is the scourge of the age and the most severe type of drugs, and it is also called the killer methamphetamine, shapo or glass ice. This drug is called a killer because it has great damage to the human body and all its organs that sometimes lead to death even if it was used for a short period of time. It is a crystalline drug distinguished by its white and blue color. Its abusers have often made addicts since the first use because it alters the dopamine and serotonin levels of the brain by increasing the doses which makes it permanent and irreversible damage, this reflects the speed of methamphetamine addiction. It allows the person to experience emotional feelings of depression or madness once it expires. This is why meth addicts are considered one of the most dangerous people due to the severe hallucinations this drug causes. Applying a treatment has nothing to do with pulmonary remodeling, it explains why Meth abuser always has an insufficiency of blood vessels and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) all the time due to the chronic abuse of this substance. However, there are several treatments to help the abuser by reducing the symptoms, but applying it in a specific place may help its effectiveness and This facilitates the rehabilitation of the abuser easily.

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