Microhabitats of pholcid spiders (araneae: pholcidae) in Marilog District and Mount Hamiguitan, Davao, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/05/2016
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Microhabitats of pholcid spiders (araneae: pholcidae) in Marilog District and Mount Hamiguitan, Davao, Philippines

Mae A. Responte, Olga M. Nuñeza
J. Bio. Env. Sci.8( 5), 36-44, May 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Most spider groups use plants and ground as their microhabitats. In this study, microhabitats of pholcid spiders were investigated in Marilog and Mount Hamiguitan Wildlife Sanctuary in Davao, Philippines to determine the microhabitat utilization of leaf-dwelling and forest ground-dwelling pholcids. Based on quantitative analysis, pholcid spiders were documented mostly on plants. Vegetation-dwelling pholcids were recorded in 134 plants belonging to nine different plant species of monocotyledonous plants and various species of dicotyledonous plants. Based on Bodenheimer’s Constancy, highest constancy was recorded for Schismatoglottis sp. (C= 39.55%) which means that Schismatoglottis sp. is used as an accessory form of microhabitat. In addition, results of the Chi-Square test showed that both Schismatoglottis sp. (X2 > 213.26; p-value < 0.001) and dicot seedlings (X2 > 85.4; p-value < 0.001) were both utilized by these spiders. Results suggest that leaf size and structural leaf complexity are not considered as important factors that dictate the microhabitat choice of leaf-dwelling pholcids.


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