Monitoring of pollutant trends in the Oran coast in western of Algeria by assessing the physicochemical quality of waste water discharges

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Monitoring of pollutant trends in the Oran coast in western of Algeria by assessing the physicochemical quality of waste water discharges

Laredj Fatima Zohra, Benaissa Noureddine, Mouffok Salim, Boutiba Zitouni, Bouderbala Mohamed
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 6), 239-247, June 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The Oran coast is like a Mediterranean basin, a region of high population density undergoes permanent aggression, including the release of domestic and industrial waste water into the sea without prior treatment. This study focuses on the quality of urban water rejection along the Oran coast in western of Algeria. This study is based on the analysis of the physicochemical parameters of waste water effluent discharges. Our samples of water were collected in two different sites: Western of Oran (1): Andalusian complex which is a tourist area and Eastern of Oran (2): Arzew complex which is an urban industrial area during the year of 2013 and 2015 to evaluate the physico chemical parameters. The mean values of parameters analyzed of water samples were: T°: 21,57-20,85°C, pH: 7.75-7.36, dissolved oxygen: 4.91-7.63mg/l, COD: 265.57-525.789mg/l, BOD: 72.95-798.1mg/l, SM: 1524-1971mg/l and Total phosphorus: 3.06-6.14mg/l respectively in site (1) and (2). This result shows that the waters of the two sites are very impacted by the discharge of wastewater and show the presence of a significant pollution. From the results obtained the contents of the parameters analyzed are very high and much higher than the levels certified by the World Health Organization and the Algerian standards for direct discharges which were very impacted by urban wastewater and required a pretreatment before being discharged directly into the seawater.


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