Morphological and phonological development of Festuca ovina and Festuca arundinaceae to cold temperature regarding GDD

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Research Paper 01/05/2015
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Morphological and phonological development of Festuca ovina and Festuca arundinaceae to cold temperature regarding GDD

Sajad Hosseinzadeh Monfared, Mojtaba Akhavan Armaki
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 5), 171-177, May 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Festuca genus has a high value for grazing and forage conservation concerning the livestock. This research was conducted in laboratory and greenhouse and outdoor of Research Institute of Forest and Rangeland in Tehran, Iran. For outdoor experiment, half of pots of greenhouse were transferred outdoor until their flowering and growth stages and GDD were recorded. In the flowering stage, morphological characteristics including stem number, stem length, peduncle length, panicle length, plants‟ fresh and dry weight of each ecotype were recorded. The collected data of each experiment were separately analyzed using factorial experiment based on completely randomized design. The results of laboratory experiment showed the significant effects of chilling (4 °C) treatment on germination percent, speed of germination in both species and vigor index for F.ovina. Regarding F.ovina in vegetative stage, the mean values of all of traits were higher in control treatment than those of cold treatment. Similarly, in outdoor experiment, the mean values of reproductive traits in the control treatment were higher than those for cold treatment concerning both species. F.ovina had higher mean values for all of reproductive traits as compared to F.arundinaceae. Results also showed that GDD of plants which were subjected to cold treatment were lower than those for control treatment for both vegetative and flowering stages. It has been concluded that cold treatment reduced flowering dates in reproductive stage.

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