Morphometrics relationship of the Mangrove crab from the Mangrove Swamp of Panganiban, Catanduanes Philippines

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Research Paper 28/07/2022
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Morphometrics relationship of the Mangrove crab from the Mangrove Swamp of Panganiban, Catanduanes Philippines

Recie B. Bonaos, Minerva I. Morales
Int. J. Biosci.21( 1), 256-262, July 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Mangrove crab is a commercially important commodity in Catanduanes. But little is known in the study of morphometrics and its relationship. This study investigates some aspects of biology, particularly on sex ratio, morphometrics (Carapace Length, Carapace Width, and Body), and its relationships. Samples were gathered during the full moon last January 16 to 26, 2019, during both low and high tide using lift-net at the estuary part of Panganiban, Catanduanes. A total of 53 crabs were collected, of which 48.83% were male and 52.17% were females. The sex ratio of females to males was 1:1.12 and not significantly different from the hypothetical distribution of 1:1. Results revealed that a female crab seems to have a smaller carapace width compared to males. Bodyweight favored the male mangrove crabs with a mean bodyweight of 132.89g compared to females (113.23 g). A positive correlation was observed between carapace length- carapace width and carapace width – body weight in both sexes (R2= 0.8). Both sexes showed negative allometric growth on CL-CW and CW – BW with b<3. It showed that carapace length grows faster than carapace width and body weight increases faster than carapace width. Hence, harvesting of this resource should be minimized to the sizes of >8cm to allow continuous breeding and recruitment thus ensuring the sustainability of this resource. A follow-up study is needed in some areas to determine the status of mangrove crab covering a different period that will serve as a continuation of the study for the whole year-round.


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