Neurobehavioral symptoms and reproductive hormones from paint occupational exposure

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Neurobehavioral symptoms and reproductive hormones from paint occupational exposure

Merghad Amina, Cherif Abdennour, Djabou Rabi Sassia
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 5), 205-212, May 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Occupational exposure to paint compounds and the joint action of solvents-metals probably causes effects on neurobehavioral profiles, and reproductive hormones of male workers. We undertook this study to determine relationship between occupational exposure to paint compounds mixture, especially solvents and neurobehavioral perturbations, testosterone and prolactin production. Exposure was estimated in 64 workers from a paint manufacturing plants, North East Algeria. Two exposure groups were formed: and divided into 2 main groups; the control and the exposed groups; the latter was subdivided into three categories of working periods (>10, 10-20, > 20 years of solvent exposure). The Swedish Q16 questionnaire was given to workers, followed by serum testosterone and prolactin concentrations were measured with ELISA. Workers with long period exposure (10-20, > 20 years) showed a significant reduction in testosterone concentration, and a significant increase in prolactin concentration and The average Swedish Q16 questionnaire score in the exposed group (4.6±4.2) is also significantly higher than the non-exposed group (3.4±3.1) (p=0.001). Fertility markers assessed in workers with long solvent exposure were disturbed than in those with a short solvent exposure, long solvent exposure produced high frequency of neuropsychological symptoms.


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