Nitrate removal from drinking water in laboratory-scale using iron and sand nanoparticles

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Research Paper 01/10/2013
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Nitrate removal from drinking water in laboratory-scale using iron and sand nanoparticles

Ebrahim Fataei, Hamed Hassan Pour Kourandeh, Amin Seyed Sharifi, Seyed Amir Seyed Sharifi
Int. J. Biosci.3( 10), 256-261, October 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In recent years, entering of wastewater of agricultural activities and rural and urban residential centers to the water supplies has caused significantly to increase nitrate of surface and groundwater as well as various diseases. In this regard, a major step has been taken in eliminating contaminated water by development of modern technologies and it has been attempt to make fresh water accessible for people. This research has been conducted to investigate nitrate removal from urban waters through elemental iron Fe0 as a suitable, cheap and easy strategy to treat waters contaminated by nitrate. In this study, the effect of parameters pH, sand and iron particles on the amount of nitrate removal was tested. Also, mixture of iron and sand nanoparticles was used to increase efficiency and specific area. The results showed that the efficiency of iron nanoparticles was 65% in the first 20 min and it was 45% in the next times due to increase of pH resulted from reaction. Also the results showed that, the initial pH of solution is important to achieve the maximum efficiency of nitrate removal.


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