Organic carbon stock in some Iraqi soils and factors affecting it

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Organic carbon stock in some Iraqi soils and factors affecting it

Ahmed S. Muhaimeed, Afaq I. Gomaa
Int. J. Biosci.13( 5), 417-426, November 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted in order to determine the organic carbon stocks in some Iraqi soils and to show the effect of the dominant local factors. Seven study locations were selected in the main physiological units dominated in Iraq which differ in terms of climatic characteristics, land use, topographic location and soil types. Land of the selected locations used for agriculture, natural vegetation under rain feed and irrigation systems   Some physiochemical soil properties including organic carbon stocks were determined for soil depth (0- 30 cm). The results revealed that the soils of the study locations showed a variation in their formation and classification, with a large variation in their organic carbon stocks which ranging from 8.25 in desert soil to 316.47 (ton-carbon.ha-1) in the soils of natural forest. Soils of studied locations are considered as weakly developed soils and have low organic carbon stock due to the interaction effect of each of the climatic characteristics, land use and the nature of the topographic location, which led to the lack of accumulation of organic residues and the weakness of the pedogenic processes responsible for soil formation and development. Land use factor has shown a significant role in determining organic carbon stocks. Natural forest soils showed the highest organic carbon stock compared to all other land use types mainly the bar land locations.


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