Organic cultivation of industrial crops: a review

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Organic cultivation of industrial crops: a review

Yaghoub Raei, Parisa Aghaei-Gharachorlou
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 1), 366-377, January 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


During the last decade, consumers’ trust in food quality has decreased drastically, mainly because of growing ecological awareness and several food scandals. It has been found that intensive conventional agriculture can introduce contaminants into the food chain. Consumers have started to look for safer and better controlled foods produced in more environmentally friendly, authentic and local systems. Organic food products are widely believed to satisfy the above demands, leading to lower environmental impacts and higher nutritive values. Organic crops contain fewer nitrates, nitrites and pesticide residues but, as a rule, more dry matter, vitamin C, phenolic compounds, essential amino acids and total sugars than conventional crops. The term “industrial crop” generally refers to an agricultural product that is grown as a commodity and/or as the raw material for industrial goods, rather than for direct human consumption. Owing to positive influence of organic components in industrial crop farming systems, it is therefore, be assumed that those farmers who adopted organic management practices, have found a way to improve the quality of their soil, or at least stemmed the deterioration ensuring productive capacity for future generations. From this review, technical aspects of industrial crops organic farming shows modern concept and environmentally friendly. By these ways, the economic aspects in the agricultural sector are being better.


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