Palyno morphological study of the genus Sonchus L. (Asteraceae) species of the flora of Ukraine

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Palyno morphological study of the genus Sonchus L. (Asteraceae) species of the flora of Ukraine

Zhygalova Svitlana, Futorna Oksana, Olshanskyi Igor, Inayat Ur Rahman, Waqar khan, Kishwar Ali
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 134-144, April 2018.
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The pollen morphology of the genus Sonchus L. reported from Ukraine was studied with a Light and Scanning electron microscope. The samples were collected from the herbarium material of the M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The pollen grains of the studied species of genus Sonchus were found to be monads, tricolporate for S. oleraceus, S. palustris, S. arvensisssp. аrvensis, S. arvensis ssp. uliginosis and tetracolporate for (S. asper).The biggest pollen grains among the taxa of the flora of Ukraine are in S. arvensis ssp. uliginosus, the smallest ones are in S. arvensis ssp. аrvensis. Pollen grains of S. palustris are characterized by the largest pores. We conclude that all the pollen grains of studied species are spheroidalor oblate-spheroidal form and medium-sized. They have ridges with spines and are characterized by echinolophate type of ultrasculpture. All pollen grains characterized by rounded or rounded-angular outlines from the equatorial view.


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