PCR based identification of Helicobacter pylori infection in saliva samples

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Research Paper 01/09/2019
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PCR based identification of Helicobacter pylori infection in saliva samples

Komal Aman, Bashir Ahmad, Sajid Ali, Saad Ahmad Khan, Md Motiar Rahman, Farhana Jabeen Shah, Muslim Raza, Huang Linfang
Int. J. Biosci.15( 3), 496-504, September 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are recognized as fastidious chronic bacterial infections in humans, commonly leads to gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric cancers and gastric malt lymphoma. Currently, around the globe a massive increase of gastric cancer occurs. It could be reduced by identifying and eradicating of H. Pylori, therefore it is an urgent need to develop an accurate diagnostic method. The current study focused on the diagnosis of H. pylori infection without performing endoscopy highlight the importance of noninvasive tests. In first step molecular studies for H. pylori infection were conducted on genomic DNA that were extracted from salivary secretions to detect H. pylori in saliva by targeting two genes such as 16srRNA and Urec gene but we were failed to detect any H. pylori DNA in saliva. In second step we determined the accuracy of H. pylori culture and then its PCR sequencing. Saliva samples from 60 anti-H. pylori-positive patients were cultured on H. pylori selective media, then colonies were isolated and screened through different biochemical tests. Moreover, H. pylori colonies were amplified on PCR using 16srRNA for validation, our preliminary results were further confirmed on gel electrophoresis and automated sequencer ongoing. Moreover, this study in the future will give information for more accurate and molecular diagnosis of H. pylori infection through noninvasive methods.


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